Monday, December 6, 2010

revisiting the philosophy/our intentions generally, also ideas for 4th tent

Nicola and Sean needs:

· Creation of music, objects, ideas, technology

· family that loves us and gives us stuff

· technology

· internet (connection to outside world)

· entertainment (movies, events, etc)

· school and learning

· each other and social interactions, parties

· travel and trips

· exploring home, neighborhood, and surrounding

· physical activities (biking, yoga, walking)

· lower stress

· security of money

· being healthy, access to medicine and care

· a safe state, country, neighborhood

· belonging to “Minneapolis, seward, 1419”

· friends (male and female)


· connection to outside world

· storytelling, transportation to different worlds, adventures

· participants as teachers important???

options for 4th tent:

-little mirrors (shiny paper) with animal or other strong image in place of the reflection.

-looped video of people saying complements. Lots of different people saying these complements. Nice video, well edited.

