Monday, December 6, 2010

safety tent supplementary ideas

  • Smell of chocolate chip cookies
  • Smell of cedar/pine needles/earth/dirt
  • Smell of cinnamon
  • Smell of vanilla
  • Smell of evergreen trees (balsam)
  • Smell of almond
  • Smell of fresh baked bread
  • smell of pancakes
  • Smell of soap
  • Sound of snow (stillness)
  • Dream catcher/hanging ornaments for comfort
  • Hanging bells/rocks/walnut shells sound makers (lullaby)
  • Tent space as mother’s womb
  • Somehow free people of time and worry
  • Lock or button for tent doors (security)
  • Safety token/teddy bear
  • Ikea floor light or orb, perhaps colored

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