Sunday, November 28, 2010


Physiological Tent -food, clementines, orange peels, water, canvas, simple

Safety Tent- soothing voices, soft, warmth, smells, gray wool blankets, colors, green, acoustically still, textiles, tactile

Love/Belonging Tent - 1 person invitation, action with performer, high fives, thumb wrestle, secret handshake, pinky swear, hugs, FAMILY TREE

Esteem Tent - Pass personalized compliment, symbol of confidence, agate, bright, color, personalized gifts

Self Actualization - Universe Pattern, musical instruments, place of self enlightenment, the viewer dominates the experience and operates the tent, tie in all the previous steps

Overall the tents will be aligned in a semi circle and will build visually as they progress up the hierarchy. We will utilize projections, textile work, sound, and sculpture to create these environments. Our goal is to fulfill each human need (although temporarily) for the viewer and create a unique experience for each viewer. If the viewer feels as though her/his needs are not met, she will then discontinue the journey through the tents.

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