Monday, December 6, 2010

revisiting the philosophy/our intentions generally, also ideas for 4th tent

Nicola and Sean needs:

· Creation of music, objects, ideas, technology

· family that loves us and gives us stuff

· technology

· internet (connection to outside world)

· entertainment (movies, events, etc)

· school and learning

· each other and social interactions, parties

· travel and trips

· exploring home, neighborhood, and surrounding

· physical activities (biking, yoga, walking)

· lower stress

· security of money

· being healthy, access to medicine and care

· a safe state, country, neighborhood

· belonging to “Minneapolis, seward, 1419”

· friends (male and female)


· connection to outside world

· storytelling, transportation to different worlds, adventures

· participants as teachers important???

options for 4th tent:

-little mirrors (shiny paper) with animal or other strong image in place of the reflection.

-looped video of people saying complements. Lots of different people saying these complements. Nice video, well edited.



safety tent supplementary ideas

  • Smell of chocolate chip cookies
  • Smell of cedar/pine needles/earth/dirt
  • Smell of cinnamon
  • Smell of vanilla
  • Smell of evergreen trees (balsam)
  • Smell of almond
  • Smell of fresh baked bread
  • smell of pancakes
  • Smell of soap
  • Sound of snow (stillness)
  • Dream catcher/hanging ornaments for comfort
  • Hanging bells/rocks/walnut shells sound makers (lullaby)
  • Tent space as mother’s womb
  • Somehow free people of time and worry
  • Lock or button for tent doors (security)
  • Safety token/teddy bear
  • Ikea floor light or orb, perhaps colored

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

criticisms of maslow, things to think about...

Maslow created his hierarchy of needs from an individualistic perspective, being that he was from the United States, a highly individualistic nation. The needs and drives of those in individualistic societies tend to be more self centered than those in collectivist societies, focusing on improvement of the self, with self actualization being the apex of self improvement. Since the hierarchy was written from the perspective of an individualist, the order of needs in the hierarchy with self actualization at the top is not representative of the needs of those in collectivist cultures. In collectivist societies, the needs of acceptance and community will outweigh the needs for freedom and individuality