Monday, December 6, 2010

revisiting the philosophy/our intentions generally, also ideas for 4th tent

Nicola and Sean needs:

· Creation of music, objects, ideas, technology

· family that loves us and gives us stuff

· technology

· internet (connection to outside world)

· entertainment (movies, events, etc)

· school and learning

· each other and social interactions, parties

· travel and trips

· exploring home, neighborhood, and surrounding

· physical activities (biking, yoga, walking)

· lower stress

· security of money

· being healthy, access to medicine and care

· a safe state, country, neighborhood

· belonging to “Minneapolis, seward, 1419”

· friends (male and female)


· connection to outside world

· storytelling, transportation to different worlds, adventures

· participants as teachers important???

options for 4th tent:

-little mirrors (shiny paper) with animal or other strong image in place of the reflection.

-looped video of people saying complements. Lots of different people saying these complements. Nice video, well edited.



safety tent supplementary ideas

  • Smell of chocolate chip cookies
  • Smell of cedar/pine needles/earth/dirt
  • Smell of cinnamon
  • Smell of vanilla
  • Smell of evergreen trees (balsam)
  • Smell of almond
  • Smell of fresh baked bread
  • smell of pancakes
  • Smell of soap
  • Sound of snow (stillness)
  • Dream catcher/hanging ornaments for comfort
  • Hanging bells/rocks/walnut shells sound makers (lullaby)
  • Tent space as mother’s womb
  • Somehow free people of time and worry
  • Lock or button for tent doors (security)
  • Safety token/teddy bear
  • Ikea floor light or orb, perhaps colored

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

criticisms of maslow, things to think about...

Maslow created his hierarchy of needs from an individualistic perspective, being that he was from the United States, a highly individualistic nation. The needs and drives of those in individualistic societies tend to be more self centered than those in collectivist societies, focusing on improvement of the self, with self actualization being the apex of self improvement. Since the hierarchy was written from the perspective of an individualist, the order of needs in the hierarchy with self actualization at the top is not representative of the needs of those in collectivist cultures. In collectivist societies, the needs of acceptance and community will outweigh the needs for freedom and individuality

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

power animals, totems, shamanism

Animal Characteristics & Meaning (native american totems)

Alligator        Maternal, revenge oriented, quickness, aggression, and basic survival instincts.
Ant               Group minded, determination, patient, active, and industrious
Anteater        Lethargy, curiosity, nosiness.
Antelope      Active, agile, jumpiness, and willing to sacrifice
Armadillo     Safety oriented, grounded, and has boundaries
Badger         Courage, aggressive, healer, having problems relating to others, and energy conduit
Bat               Rebirth, longevity, secrecy, initiation, good listener, and long life
Bear             Industrious, instinctive, healing, power, sovereignty, guardian of the world, watcher, courage, will power, self-preservation, introspection, and great strength.
Beaver         Determined, strong-willed, builder, overseer, and protector
Bee             Organized, industrial, productive, wise, community, celebration, fertility, defensiveness, obsessive nature, and enjoys life
Boar/Pig      A very powerful totem - prosperity, spiritual strength, organized, self-reliant, fearless.
Buffalo        Sacredness, life, great strength, abundance, gratitude.
Bull              Insight into the past, fertility, rushing into things without proper preparation.
Butterfly      Metamorphosis, transformation, balnace, grace, ability to accept change
Camel          Survival, positive, accomplishments
Caribou        Traveler, mobility, preference to be nomadic, adaptability to adversity
Cat              Guardianship, detachment, sensuality, mystery, magic, and independence
Cheetah      Swiftness, insight, focus
Cougar       Leadership, loyalty, courage, taking responsibility, foresight
Cow           Swift, insightful, and focused
Coyote        Trickster, intelligence, stealth, wisdom and folley, guile and innocence
Cobra         Swift and decisive
Dog            Noble, faithful, loyal, teaching, protection, and guidance
Dolphin      Kind, salvation, wisdom, happiness, playfulness, prudent, capable of deep emotion, and happy.
Dove          Cross-world communication, spirit messenger, peace, gentleness, love
Dragon      Longevity, richness, prosperity, infinity, wisdom, power, and fiery
Dragonfly  Flighty and carefree, strong imagination, higher aspirations.
Duck         Water energy, helper of seers, can clearly see/deal with emotions
Eagle          Divine spirit, sacrifice, connection to creator, intelligence, renewal, courage, illumination of spirit, healing, creation, freedom, and risk-taker
Elephant   Strength, power, affection, loyalty, royalty, and wisdom
Elk            Strength and agility, pride, majestic, independence, purification, strength, and nobility
Falcon        New beginnings, adventure, passionate, and leadership.
Fish             Graceful, slyness, open-minded, quick to change one's mind.
Flamingo     Heart healing, psychic, people person, flirtatious.
Fox              Cunning, agility, quick-witted, diplomacy, wildness, feminine magic of camouflage, shapeshifting and invisibility
Frog            Water energy, cleansing, rebirth, sensitivity, medicine, hidden beauty, peace, adaptability, poor character judgment and power.
Gazelle       Aggressive
Giraffe        Communication, intuition, attaining the unreachable, seeing the future
Goat           Surefootedness, stubbornness, independence, diligence, lack of foresight.
Goose          Self-demanding, reliable, prudent, rigid, vigilance, parenthood, and productive.
Gorilla         Family-oriented, intelligence, strength, environmental protector, keeps peace through aggression.
Grasshopper Good luck, abundance, forward, progressive.
Grouse        Personal power, enlightenment.
Hawk               Messenger, intuition, victory, healing, nobility, recollection, cleansing, visionary power, and guardianship.
Heron                 Aggressive, self-determined, self-reliant, multi-tasking, balanced.
Hippopotamus     Power, creation, imagination, healing.
Horse                 Freedom, stamina, mobility, the land, travel, power, and freedom.
Hummingbird    Messenger, timelessness, healing, and warrior.
Jaguar                Chaos, shape-shifter, aggressiveness, power.
Kangaroo           Forward, balance, creative, stamina.
Lion                   Family, strength, energy, courage, guardian and protector.
Lizard                Conservation, vision, self-protection, hidden defenses.
Llama               Comforting to others, secure.
Lynx                Keeper of secrets, guardian, listener, and guide.
Mole                Sensitivity, guidance, searching.
Monkey          Ability to change the environment, health, success.
Moose            Headstrong, longevity, steadfastness, and wisdom.
Mouse            Scrutiny, order, organizer, and an eye for details.
Octopus         Intelligence, camouflage, nocturnal.
Opossum         Diversion, strategist, and deceiver.
Ostrich           Grounded, practical.
Otter               Playful, friendly, dynamic, joy, helpfulness, and sharing
Owl                Deception, clairvoyance, insight, messenger.
Ox                    Sacrifice, chastity and self-denial
Panther            Protection, hidden emotions, introspection, caution, careful decisions
Parrot              Communication, beauty, guide for wisdom, mockery, thinking before speaking
Peacock          Immortality, dignity, and self-confidence
Pelican            Resilient, unselfish, rising above.
Penguin           Self-discipline, grace, self-confidence, spiritual
Porcupine         Innocence, companionship, and trust
Prairie Dog        Swiftness, industrious, constructive, preparedness
Puma                 Companion on journeys to other worlds, grace, silent power
Quail                 Group-work, team play, creator of harmony and group tolerance, protectiveness (especially toward children)
Rabbit                 Fear, timidity, nervousness, humility, rebirth,
Raccoon              Curiosity and cleanliness
Ram                  Stoic, sensitive, persevering, curious, imaginative.
Rat                     Fertility, stealth, scavenging, intelligence, enjoys luxury
Raven                Introspection, courage, self-knowledge, magic
Rhinoceros        Wisdom, solitary, insightful, solid.
Roadrunner         Mental agility, speed, opportunistic.
Rooster               Vanity, likes to be showered with gifts and attention, early riser, settling for nothing less than the best
Salmon               Proud, intense, confident, wisdom, inspiration
Scorpion           Transforming, strong, inspiring, chaotic, passionate
Seagull               Versatility, loud, easy-going nature, creativity, laziness
Seahorse           Confidence and grace
Seal                   Love, longing, dilemma, active imagination, creativity
Shark                Hunter, survival, and adaptability
Skunk                Reputation, presence, and strength
Snail                   Protective, aware, solitary.
Snake                  Impulsive, shrewdness, rebirth, transformation, initiation, and wisdom
Spider                  Balance, wisdom, creativity, communication
Squirrel                Planner and gatherer
Stag                     Lord of the forest, masculine power of regeneration, signs.
Swan                   Grace, balance and innocence, soul, love, beauty, of the self
Tiger                  Strength, valor, power, and energy
Toad                   inner strength, luck, self-examination
Turkey                 Generosity, life-giver, and sharer
Turtle                  Nurturer, shy, and protecting
Unicorn               Purity, innocence, dreamer, personal power, gentle
Weasel               Strength, energy, ingenuity and stealth
Whale                Wisdom, provider, intelligence, and kindness.
Wolf                    Loyalty, perseverance, success, intuition, and spirit
Woodpecker         Sensitive, protective, and devotion
Zebra                  Agility and individuality

more info:

Monday, November 29, 2010

last tent inspiration

sound damping for tent #2

info from wiki:

axman foam, carve it so its egg-carton
buy mattress toppers
velvet curtains
lots of fabrics/pillows

tent color code



Science Museum - Nicola

Minneapolis Public Library – Nicola

YMCA- Jess

Burroughs Elementary – Jess Hirsch

Nokomas Montessori – Sean

Community Center Cedar– Jess (ask if they have gym)

School near Nicola & Sean’s house – Nicola

Yoga Studio- Nicola

*info cards (laser or embroidery)

TENT 1 (Jess) Physiology

TENT 2 (Sean) Safety

- sound proof SILENCE

TENT 3 (Nicola) Belonging

TENT 4 (Group) Self Esteem

-power animal, simulate sensor, human noises making computer calculations, button instigates scanning, lily pad

TENT 5 (Group) Self Acclamation

-sound, fabric sensors

-mirror objects

- color projection- noise object


Jess- Wood structure – goal make 1 tent wednesday

Nicola – Canvas sewing – fabric pattern – test fabric

Sean – technology for 4th tent, 5th tent, research acoustical fabric

Sunday (day) - SR Harris Field trip

Shopping List:

Lily Pad Arduino –Sean/Nicola

Wood- Jess

Sunday, November 28, 2010

self-actualization (shapes, colors, and symbols)

genogram emotional color coding!!!

looks like green is good, like trees... what a coincidence!!


Physiological Tent -food, clementines, orange peels, water, canvas, simple

Safety Tent- soothing voices, soft, warmth, smells, gray wool blankets, colors, green, acoustically still, textiles, tactile

Love/Belonging Tent - 1 person invitation, action with performer, high fives, thumb wrestle, secret handshake, pinky swear, hugs, FAMILY TREE

Esteem Tent - Pass personalized compliment, symbol of confidence, agate, bright, color, personalized gifts

Self Actualization - Universe Pattern, musical instruments, place of self enlightenment, the viewer dominates the experience and operates the tent, tie in all the previous steps

Overall the tents will be aligned in a semi circle and will build visually as they progress up the hierarchy. We will utilize projections, textile work, sound, and sculpture to create these environments. Our goal is to fulfill each human need (although temporarily) for the viewer and create a unique experience for each viewer. If the viewer feels as though her/his needs are not met, she will then discontinue the journey through the tents.

Family tree/genogram pictures

A family tree, or pedigree chart, is a chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure. The more detailed family trees used in medicine, genealogy, andsocial work are known asgenograms.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Re: Safe in Sound

Maybe we should have the safe tent have a water pattern on the fabric interiors! Or would people feel like they were drowning?? I would hope it would go more the relaxing on the beach type of safety rather than the GAHHHHH!!! A SHARK!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

safe and sound (thinking about tent 2)

googling for the origins of safe and sound I found these quotes:

"As a nautical expression, I believe that it was originally: safe IN sound, as a sound is an inland body of water coming off of an ocean. So if a boat got driven in by a storm, that is where it would find refuge.

Sound is also used as a nautical term as a verb: meaning to measure or probe the depths or to dive quickly

Safe and sound... to be sound means: in good condition, free from defect or damage, secured, having a firm foundation.

Safe means to be out of harm's way. So "safe and sound" would mean that a person is no longer in harm's way and they are in good condition/undamaged."

foods for physiological tent

symbols of confidence

Nomadic shelters across cultures: Wigwam

Nomadic shelters across cultures: Teepee/Tipi